Mon - Sat: 09.00 to 19.00 (GMT +3 hours)

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151 West Green Road, N15 5EA

London, United Kingdom

Face Lifting

Face Lifting in Turkey!

The signs of aging begin first on the face. Although non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications or highly impressive cosmetic skin care products are used today, these applications are not sufficient in some cases. For this reason, many people prefer facelift surgeries today.

Benefits of Face Lifting

  • You can get rid of your jowls
  • Tightens sagging facial skin
  • Facelifts Help Reduce Deep Wrinkles
  • No scar visible after the procedure

As a result of research and technological developments in the field of medicine, diagnosis and treatment methods have been applied in a much more comfortable way. Innovations, especially in the field of aesthetic surgery, have developed considerably and have enabled women who want to have a natural beauty to have a comfortable application.

Face Lifting

Top 5 Signs You Need Face Lifting

How do you know if you need a facelift? Here are a few signs that facelifting might be perfect for you.

  • If you think your skin has lost its elasticity.
  • If you want an aesthetic procedure with natural results.
  • If you have saggy skin as a result of rapid weight loss.
  • You have deep folds throughout your lower and midface.
  • Nonsurgical options are not suitable for your needs.
Face Lifting

With face lift-renewal surgeries, sagging and irregularities in the forehead, face and neck skin are eliminated; Excess fat tissue on the cheek and neck is removed, facial fascia and fat tissues are pulled and hung in their anatomical places, facial tissues are reinforced, eyelids are corrected and other complementary interventions can be performed (Skin peeling, peeling, like fillers and botox).

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