Mon - Sat: 09.00 to 19.00 (GMT +3 hours)

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151 West Green Road, N15 5EA

London, United Kingdom

Periodontal Treatment & Surgery

Periodontal Treatment & Surgery in Turkey!

Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases that affect the gums and other tissues that support the teeth. Periodontal diseases are responsible for 70% of tooth loss in adults. These diseases can be treated easily and successfully when diagnosed at an early stage. Prevention or treatment of gum disease; It also brings other benefits such as protecting natural teeth, providing more comfortable chewing and better digestion. Periodontal diseases begin with gingivitis (gingivitis). In other words, gingivitis is the early stage of periodontal disease. During this period, GUMS WERE BLEEDING, RED AND INCREASED IN VOLUME. In the early period, it may not cause much discomfort, except for bad breath (HALITOZIS). If not treated, the disease may progress and cause inflammation of the periodontal tissues (PERIODONTITIS) and cause irreversible damage to the alveolar bone that supports the gums and teeth.

Benefits of Periodontal Treatment & Surgery

  • No More Tartar and Plaque
  • Fresh Breath
  • Healthy Smile
  • Prevents disease
  • Break Down Bacteria

The most important cause of gum disease is the sticky and colorless film layer called "bacterial dental plaque" that accumulates on the teeth. Removing dental plaque with daily brushing and flossing is the basic requirement for a healthy mouth. If the plaque is not removed from the teeth effectively, it turns into an irregular surface and permeable structure known as tartar or tartar, and accumulation on this surface becomes easier.


Top 5 Signs You Need Periodontal Treatment & Surgery

Gum disease is usually chronic diseases. Although the disease exists, it may not be noticed for a while because there is usually no pain. If you feel at least one of the following 5 signs, you should see a peridontist.

  • Your teeth starts to loose in their sockets.
  • If you notice that your teeth are bleeding when you are eating, brushing or flossing.
  • If you feel bad breath. Gingivals in your gums can cause bad bad breath.
  • You have a sensitivity while drinking or chewing something hot or cold.
  • If your gums are dark and swollen.

Harmful formations released by the bacteria in the plaque cause discomfort in the gums. Due to these products, the fibers that bind the gingiva to the tooth lose their properties, the gingiva moves away from the tooth and a periodontal pocket is formed. Thus, it is easier for bacteria and their products to progress to deeper tissues. As the disease progresses, the pocket deepens, bacteria deeper; It progresses to the bone and destruction begins in the alveolar bone that supports the tooth. If the disease is left untreated, eventually the teeth will become loose and may even need extractions.

Periodontal Treatment & Surgery

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