A Porcelain Laminate Veneer is a tooth covering for the front surface of your tooth. Laminate Veneers are thin shells of Porcelain and as such, many dentists use the analogy that laminate veneers are for your teeth what false nails would be for your fingers. Laminate Veneers are only suitable for the front teeth (a maximum of 8 upper jaw and 8 lower jaw). Laminate Veneers are generally 0.5mm – 1.2mm thick, approximately twice the thickness of an eggshell.
Laminate veneers are suitable for the smile makeover in cases where the teeth are stained, damaged or slightly chipped teeth. Small gaps between teeth can also be closed with laminate veneers. If you have teeth that protrude, are recessed, overcrow ded or present excessive gaps or damage then the corrective amendment needed will defeat the capability of a laminate veneer and another form of Cosmetic Dentistry such as a dental crowns should be advised.
Laminate Veneer treatment is generally preferred by people who are uncomfortable with the appearance of their front teeth.Here are a few signs that laminate veneers might be perfect for you.
You may wonder how a thin shell of porcelain can successfully withstand all of the wear and tear that it will be exposed to. Although Laminate veneers are inherently thin, when they are firmly bonded to and supported by your tooth, it creates a very strong and durable surface. Laminate veneers can provide you with an instant ‘Hollywood smile’ without compromising the healthy tooth structure